The Crash That Shook Carrot Stick Sports
Company History

The Crash That Shook Carrot Stick Sports

At roughly 1:56 am on Saturday August 17th, 2024, someone driving down Ford Rd lost control of their vehicle, and crashed directly through the front door of our building. By 1:57 the alarm company was calling to see if police needed to be dispatched. By 2:03 the police were on the scene and there was no sign of the driver. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries, and she was the only person involved in the crash. But the adventure was just beginning for Carrot Stick Sports, and the salon that we share the building with, 2 Archer Salon. 
My Fantasy Team is...

My Fantasy Team is...

I am currently the Detroit Lions of the league. Winless. I started the year with hopes of my team being good, because my draft was decent. Then after starting 0-3, having four players go to IR, and the players that weren't injured vastly under performing. I know it was a little early in the season to do this, but I decided to embrace the tank